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     News Letter:
 Greetings to all. With our year behind us, we must start thinking of that time of year.  
 Election of Officers. Most of us will stay in our positions starting with myself as President for
 at least one more year. Arnie has agreed to one more year as my Vice President and James
 as our Treasuer. Gloria is stepping down as Secretary. Thanks Gloria for all of your hard
 work and dedication to our club over the years. We will be asking for some one to step up
 and be our new Secretary for the upcoming year. So give this position some thought. Our
 meeting will be at Perkins across from Menards in Sioux City. Remember this date has
 changed to the 11th. of October. It will be from 11:30 till done. Always ask some one to join
 if they might be interested in our club. Thanks to all of you remaining as loyal members.
 It is people like you that keep our club going. Now let us pray that we don't have another
 winter like last years and if we do let us have some snow cover first before it gets so cold.
 Till the meeting, Happy Gardening. 
    Mike Becker
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